Meet Margaux, the designer of I.Ma.Gi.N.

Meet Margaux, the designer of I.Ma.Gi.N.

Normally I don’t like to be in the spotlight. I’m more a low profile kind of person. Why? I think that’s just who I am. But starting this blog, I realized I couldn’t hide anymore. If I want to get to know you guys, you certainly have the right to get to know me too. So Hello, I’m Margaux, and this is the story behind my brand: I.Ma.Gi.N jewels. The brand that started with a big passion for making jewelry.

When I was a little kid, at the age of 10, I started creating jewels. It may sound crazy, but it was like my therapy. To escape the craziness and keeping myself busy. Every Saturday, I stayed with my parents at the beach and went shopping at a little pearl boutique. Going back home, I started creating necklaces and sold it to my parent’s friends. They were enthusiastic about my creations and ( I don’t want to brag but) so was I. Secretly, I always knew that was the thing that made me the happiest. But after high school, my study career started a little (read: 100 percent) differently.

As an 18 year old, I followed psychology lessons in college. After a couple of months, I realized psychology was not a match made in heaven for me. But honestly, how hard is it to make such a huge decision at the age of 18? After a year, I quit and went for a job as a hostess. Not something I wanted to do my whole life but well, it pays the bills. The next year, I began a new study, but after a month, it seemed this was neither my cup of tea. So I started in evening school a goldsmith course which, finally but not so surprising, I liked. I finished the class, said goodbye to Belgium and decided my new study place was located in Firenze, Italy. The plan was to stay there for one year, but it became three years. Not only because of the gelato and the Vespas. I finally found what I loved to do, making jewelry. Speaking of that, during my study I’ve started my brand: 4U by Margaux Spruyt in Belgium. At my monthly visit there, I’ve met so many people who were interested in the jewelry I made; it left me flabbergasted. But I think another reason for that feeling was the encounter with my husband. As he worked in the diamond industry, we were a match made in (jewelry) heaven. After my school years in Italy, I worked intensively for my 4U brand, but after a while, it came clear my husband, and I share the same passion, and so we created our own brand I.Ma.Gi.N. jewels. With the M. from Margaux, the G. from Gilles and the N. from our newborn, we started our journey.

What I’ve learned from this experience? Listen to your heart. You know what you want and what makes you happy. You may have to look for it for weeks, months or years, but you’ll find it. I don’t see work right now as an obligation. It’s our baby, and I wouldn’t change it for a thing. But to be honest, as happy I feel right now, as bad I felt when I was that young girl struggling and finding out what she wanted. I switched Belgium for Italy for a reason. I had depression. Not the greatest period of my life. I think I can say one of the darkest periods I’ve ever experienced. But it gave me a great life lesson and let me realize I have to be thankful for everything I have; I’m able to do and experience. If there’s one quote which fits me the most, it is, never not smiling. It’s such a waste of time not to smile and not to be thankful. You don’t get anything with that attitude. Nowadays I’m always smiling (ok, big exception: when I’m sick, ugh). No, but really, isn’t it so much nicer to meet people who laugh and make you happy because of their positive attitude. When you change your mindset, it can make the difference.

I’m glad to say, I’ve met a lot of people with a positive attitude, who made the difference for me. Do you know that feeling like being at a place that makes you feel truly great? In my young life, I traveled a lot and went looking for that kind of places. One of the happiest places I visited, is located in Mauritius. It’s an island nation in the Indian ocean, also called paradise. My happy hotspot there is Le Morne Brabant. It’s an impressive mountain of the south-west of Mauritius, on the peninsula of the Morne. If you love nature, as much as I do, visit the place. Nature and silence will give you that well-needed energy boost. And if you are looking for an adrenaline rush, go kitesurfing. I can tell you everything about I’ll let you discover it yourself. Believe me, it’s definitely bucket list worthy.

Well, I guess now you know me a little bit more. I’ll hope to see you soon 

With love,


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